见: http://xiao-yifang.blogspot.com
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
* ...
* @author DefaultUser (Tools -> Custom Arguments...)
public class Snippet3D_5 extends Sprite
private var col:Number = 0x3e4e4;// , 0x3ef43e];
public function Snippet3D_5()
var dropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter();
dropShadow.blurX = 5;
dropShadow.blurY = 5;
dropShadow.distance = 3;
dropShadow.angle = 45;
dropShadow.quality = 2;
dropShadow.alpha = 0.4;
this.filters = [dropShadow];
public function draw3Dbar(w:Number, h:Number,color:Number):void
this.col = color;
draw_top(w, h);
draw_front(w, h);
draw_side(w, h);
private function draw_top( w:Number, h:Number ):void {
this.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
//set gradient fill
var lighter:Number = Lighten( this.col );
var colors:Array = [this.col,lighter];
var alphas:Array = [1,1];
var ratios:Array = [0,255];
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.createGradientBox(w + 12, 12, (270 / 180) * Math.PI );
this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
var y:Number = 0;
if( h<0 )
y = h;
this.graphics.moveTo(0, y);
this.graphics.lineTo(w, y);
this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, y+12);
this.graphics.lineTo(-12, y+12);
private function draw_front( w:Number, h:Number ):void {
var rad:Number = 7;
var lighter:Number = Lighten( this.col );
// Darken a light color
//var darker:Number = this.colour;
//darker &= 0x7F7F7F;
var colors:Array = [lighter,this.col];
var alphas:Array = [1,1];
var ratios:Array = [0, 127];
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.createGradientBox(w - 12, h+12, (90 / 180) * Math.PI );
this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
this.graphics.moveTo(-12, 12);
this.graphics.lineTo(-12, h+12);
this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, h+12);
this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, 12);
private function draw_side( w:Number, h:Number ):void {
var rad:Number = 7;
var lighter:Number = Lighten( this.col );
var colors:Array = [this.col,lighter];
var alphas:Array = [1,1];
var ratios:Array = [0,255];
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.createGradientBox(w, h+12, (270 / 180) * Math.PI );
this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
this.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
this.graphics.moveTo(w, 0);
this.graphics.lineTo(w, h);
this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, h+12);
this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, 12);
public function Lighten( col:Number ):Number {
var rgb:Number = col; //decimal value for a purple color
var red:Number = (rgb & 16711680) >> 16; //extacts the red channel
var green:Number = (rgb & 65280) >> 8; //extacts the green channel
var blue:Number = rgb & 255; //extacts the blue channel
var p:Number = 2;
red += red/p;
if( red > 255 )
red = 255;
green += green/p;
if( green > 255 )
green = 255;
blue += blue/p;
if( blue > 255 )
blue = 255;
return red << 16 | green << 8 | blue;
见: http://xiao-yifang.blogspot.com